Mod Mail This Page Documentation Print


Install in the usual way using the Joomla! installer


You set up the component using the Joomla! module manager. The parameters are shown above.

From email address

This is the only parameter that has to be set in order for the module to work. It specifies the email address that the message will be sent from.


You can set this to your own email address if you would like to receive a blind carbon copy of each email sent.

Invalid Emails

Email address that you want to block. This can be a list separated by ';'. Just specify part of an email address that you want to match, for example ';' would block all emails usng the domain and accounts.

Module class suffix

Used to set styles for the module.


Some users find that the module will only mail the address of the index page on their site.

If this happens to you, it is a problem with your PHP configuration. The module uses standard Joomla! methods, which in turn get the information from the server environmental variables. These include:-

If using IIS:-

These have to be correctly set by your hosting provider in your PHP configuration. If there is a problem you should contact your hosting provider.