Spiral Scripts News

thumb panelsliderWe are happy to announce the release of our new image slideshow module for Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5, Mod Panelsider. This module displays your images in an attractive and unusual scrolling javascript slideshow. The display consists of a main image with previews of the previous and next images in two semi-opaque side panels.

This is our first extension release designed specifically for Joomla 2.5: we wanted to take advantage of some of the advanced features only possible with Joomla 2.5.

The module comes in 3 versions: the basic version which requires no external extensions, a version for Ignite Gallery, and a version for FW Gallery.

The display is customizable, you can fully set the dimensions of the display through the module parameters. Other options available include the panel colour (set through a handy colour picker), the panel opacity (set through a slider), the controller display, autostart options, and the duration of each slide.

Additional Information

This module uses the Mootools javascript library distributed with Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5 - it does not use Flash or require any additional javascript libraries.

The slideshow can automatically integrate with our free Imgen component, to allow for dynamic resizing and watermarking of images.
