Our Featured Items Range Print

Our featured items range of modules are designed to give you the flexibility that you need in displaying Joomla articles.

They allow you to display selected Joomla articles in a variety of formats, including tab panes, accordions, carousels and slideshows. The modules are designed to allow you the greatest possible flexibility in the way you select your Joomla articles, either selecting from one or more categories or sections, or displaying your chosen list of articles. These articles can be displayed in a variety of orderings, and you can choose the exact amount of text to display, ranging from a short extract to the entire article text. You also control whether or not to display a thumbnail, and the thumbnail size.

The modules also have a number of other useful features, including the ability to dynamically resize and cache images, and to trigger content plugins. As well as displaying content from the Joomla Core Content component, the modules can display articles from Mighty Extensions Resources, and we plan to support additional CCKs in the future.

Featured Items Suite


As a special offer you can buy the complete suite in a single pack for a bargain price of £35.00. For this you get: mod featured items, mod featured items pro, mod featured items carousel, mod featured items slideshow and mod newstab. Plus as a bonus you get two of our other Joomla extensions, com jigsaw (a Flash puzzle game for Joomla) and mod random mp3 (an mp3 player module).

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