Com GoogleBaseXML

This Component for the Joomla Content Management System generates a product data feed for your Virtuemart store. This feed can be uploaded to your Google Merchant centre account.

Sales price: £25.00

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The product listing generated by the component is in XML format, and can be manually uploaded, or submitted to Google Merchant Center for scheduled upload. Once uploaded to your Google Merchant centre account the feed can be used for Google Product Search, Google Product Ads, and Google Commerce Search. The product feed supports the all specifications required by Google (see the Google feed specification ) and also supports all the optional attributes such as size and color (except for loyalty points and installments attributes). The feed can also support product variants using Virtuemart child products.

The GooglebaseXML extension is designed to support exactly the product information in the format that Google requires, and to take at least some of the effort out of submitting a product feed for Virtuemart. It supports the following:-

  • multi-language and multi-currency sites;
  • large sites with many products can easily submit multiple feeds
  • product variants can be submitted through Virtuemart child products
  • versions of Joomla from 1.5 to the most recent release, and of Virtuemart from 1.1x through to the most recent release
  • support through our forum, and online documentation

 Additional Services

Submitting a product feed to Google can be a time-consuming process, if you are a busy store owner you maybe do not want to be spending your time doing this. In addition to supplying the feed extension we can supply a complete feed submission service, please contact us to obtain a quotation for the cost of this service.

Please note that the complete submission service is not available when you buy the extension alone, you will need to do the work involved in submitting the feed to Google. In this case support is available through the online documentation, and our forum, as described below.


We provide full support for twelve months for any issue caused by a software defect. The format of the feed is designed to match exactly that required by Google in its product feed specification, and any issue with the software that prevents this will be fixed by us.

Please note that it is your responsibility as a developer or store owner to ensure that the information that you supply to Google is correct. If your feed is rejected because you supplied incorrect information then this is not an issue with the software, and we are not obligated to fix it for you. We suggest that you read this article, which describes the main issues that may arise with your product information, and explains how to fix them. All are fixable with a little work. Successfully submitting a feed to Google can be time-consuming at first, but it is effort that really does pay off, by increasing the visibility of your products in Google search results.

Additional Information

Please note that there are three versions of this component, for different versions of Joomla and Virtuemart. If you buy this product you will be able to download all versions.

The versions are:

Version 4 for Joomla 2.5 and 3, plus Virtuemart 2 and 3

Version 3 for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 2 (Legacy version)

Version 2 for Joomla 1.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.x (Legacy version)

You can find more about how it works here in the documentation. You can view the documentation for the legacy versions here.

You can see an example of the product feed for our own site here.

You can sign up for the Google Merchant Center at

The data feed generated by our GooglebaseXML component can be used to submit products for any Google target country and in multiple languages. However, Google product search will reject product listings that are not in the language of the target country.

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