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Home » Documentation » Mod Featured Items Flash Documentation

Mod Featured Items Flash Documentation PDF Print E-mail

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Install as usual using the Joomla! installer.

Example Usage

  • To show selected articles from any section of the site, leave the section and category ID parameters blank, and list the article IDs
  • To show random articles from a category (section), set the category (section) ID, leave the article IDs blank, and choose the random ordering.
  • To show the most read articles from a category (section), set the category (section) ID, leave the article IDs blank, and choose the most popular ordering.
  • To show the most recent articles from a category (section), set the category (section) ID, leave the article IDs blank, and choose the recently modified first ordering.
The module can automatically find articles with images, so there is no need to add any code to the articles themselves.

Module Parameters

You can set the parameters for the module using the Joomla! module manager. The module uses sensible defaults, so to get you started you may only need to pick the articles that you wish to display. The parameters are shown here.


Click to see module administration parameters.




The number of articles to display in the module.


The order in which the articles are displayed. The choices are:-

  • Recently added first
  • Recently modified first
  • Most popular
  • Least popular
  • Default ordering
  • Random


The authoring of the articles allowed. The choices are:-

  • Anyone
  • Added or modified by me (ie the logged in user)
  • Not added or modified by me
  • Added or modified by profiled user (JomSocial/Mighty Touch integration)
If the fourth option is selected, the module will display articles by the profiled user whenever a user profile is viewed; otherwise articles by anyone will be displayed.

Content Source

Choose from which Joomla component you wish the articles to be taken. The default is the Joomla core component, however the module can also read content from the Mighty Extensions resources component if this option is selected instead.

Front Page Articles

Choose whether front page articles are included in module.

Joomla Core Content Options


The section(s) from which the articles are selected. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Joomla content component is used as the content source only.


The category(s) from which the articles are selected. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Joomla content component is used as the content source only.


The IDs of the articles that you want to select. This can be blank, or a comma-separated list. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Joomla content component is used as the content source only.

Mighty Extensions Resources Content Options

Resources Category

The category(s) from which the articles are selected. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Mighty Extensions resources component is used as the content source only.

Resources Type

The type(s) from which the articles are selected. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Mighty Extensions resources component is used as the content source only.

Resources Article

The articles (records) that you want to select. Use control-click to select more than one item. This applies when the Mighty Extensions resources component is used as the content source only.

Resources Fields

The fields that you want to select. Use control-click to select more than one item. This is useful when you want to display articles but you don't want all the fields to be displayed in the module. This applies when the Mighty Extensions resources component is used as the content source only.

The module can display text taken from the text, textarea and html field types, and thumbnails taken from the image or picture field types, as well as images embedded in html fields.


K2 Content Options

Image Field Size - Choose the size of K2 image field to use, the default is extra small. If you are using images embedded in the article instead then use the image options below to choose the thumbnail size.



The category(s) from which the articles are selected. Use control-click to select more than one category.


The articles that you want to select. Use control-click to select more than one item.


General Options


Count Characters

This determines whether the module counts characters or sentences when determining the length of the extract to display. If characters are used the extract length will be rounded to the nearest whitespace character, if sentences are used the extract will use characters up until the next terminating punctuation (!? or .).


Read more link

If set to 'yes', each article includes a clickable 'read more' link.

Read More Text

The text to display for the 'read more' link. This can include html tags such as the <img> tag so that icons can be used instead of text.


Flash Display Options

You can use the Flash display options to set the movie width and height - it is fully resizeable. You can set the thumbnail spacing and size. There is also a handy colour picker to help you to choose the colours for the background, text and information pane.


Use this parameter to set the layout - currently this is 'basic slideshow'.

Display Width, Display Height, Thumb Size, Thumb Spacing

Set the movie sizes and dimensions.

Display Thumbnails

Select 'yes' to display the image thumbnails.

Background Colour, Text Colur, Pane Colour

Set the colours of the slideshow, which must be in 6 digit hexadecimal values (eg #ffffff for white). You can use the colour picker, which will open automatically when you click on the text box or the colour tab beside it. Just click the colour that you want to select, or you can type the colour value that you want directly into the text box. Click anywhere outside the colour picker to close it.

Auto-Start Slideshow

If 'yes' is selected, the slideshow will automatically start on page load.

Slide Speed

The time between transitions in seconds.

Transition Type

The image transition effects. Available transitions are: Blinds, Fade, Fly, Iris, Photo, PixelDissolve, Rotate, Squeeze, Wipe, Zoom, Random.

Thumbnail Orientation

Choose whether the thumbnails are displayed horizontally at the bottom of the image, or vertically to the left.

Use GD For Images

Set this to yes to resize images. Use this if your images are bigger than the size displayed in the slideshow, or if you want to compress images. The original images will not be changed, the resized images will be written to a cache folder within the module.

In subsequent displays of the module the cached images will be used, to improve performance.


Image Quality

Image quality is a value ranging between 0 (worst quality) to 100 (best quality). If your images are good quality to start with then you may be able to reduce the quality down to about 75 without bad effects, and the resulting compression can reduce the file size quite a bit, and will speed loading the slideshow. If your images are already compressed though the results will probably not be good.


Intro Text and Footer Text

Add text here that you wish to display at the head and foot of the module.




VirtueMart Featured Products Grid

Switch View

A Flash puzzle game for the Joomla! content management system. This would be suitable for a site aimed at children.


This module displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


This module displays a short excerpt from articles in a selected category or section, or from a specified list of articles, with link and optional thumbnail image.


This module can be used as a replacement for the Virtuemart featured products, top products, random products or recent products modules. It displays product images as a 3 Dimensional Flash slideshow.



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