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The Joomla Community

I am pleased to say that, through our related site Inspiration Web Design, we have just been listed in the Joomla Resources Directory.

And I really am pleased. Of course it is good for business, but there is also a personal element to it as well, since I received I short email from them thanking me for my past efforts for the Joomla! Community as well as approving the listing.

It was nice to feel that our efforts have been noticed. We have always tried to work in the spirit of Joomla!, rather than just making templates and extensions for profit. That is why our extensions have always been Open Source. It is why I regularly participate in the Joomla forums (you can see my profile here).

This is something that I would recommend to all developers. If you create extensions purely as a way of making money that is all that you will ever get out of it. Money is nice to have of course, and indeed very necessary, but the sense of belonging to a real online community is not something you can put a price on.