I am new to the VM Mod Controller - and believe I have followed instructions correctly, yet fail to achieve the desired outcome.
(1) Without VmModControl - my module (an ajax drop cart) will display on the default VM category view & initial instance of the product list - but not when I go to product detail. It is lost on product list page after I add to cart & `continue'.
The forum suggests that one of my issues might be beyond this product? Where I am attempting to have a cart module appear on all Virtuemart pages including the product detial page. I was under the impression that this module allowed location of modules on all VM pages including product detail page?
There are the only two pages I need these modules to load on.
(2) My second module that will not work is located in the breadcrumbs position. It is a login/out button that disappears when entering VM pages. Under normal Joomla control it also will only display on the category & product list pages (not on product detail) - becoming unavailable after adding to cart/continue. This I would also like to display on product list and product detail pages
I have attached a sequence of screen shots to dipslay the normal behaviour of my page.
Using Joomla 2.5 / VM 2
Looking forward to any advice you can offer.
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