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Home Support Forum Amazon Web Services More options for AmazonWS?

 Spiral Scripts Support Forum :: Amazon Web Services
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 Subject :More options for AmazonWS?.. 07-08-2010 01:10:27 
Joined: 06-08-2010 21:51:26
Posts: 4
Is it possible that additional options may get added to this plugin?

It works well for my purposes, but it might be nice to be able to, for example, only show the Amazon list price, without the Third party seller prices...

Is this easy to do?
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 Subject :Re:More options for AmazonWS?.. 07-08-2010 08:55:28 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
We are planning a new release of the plugin shortly, to make it compatible with Joomla 1.6. When that happens we will certainly consider adding that as an option. The problem for us is that if we add an option every time a user requests it we can end up with a plugin with 100s of options that is confusing to use.

If you want to just show the Amazon list price and not the offers you can comment out the lines 457 to 462:-
if( isset($newPrice[0]) && ($params->get('showPrices')=='yes')){ $output .= '<span class="amazon_newprice"><strong>'.stripslashes(trim($params->get('labelNewPrice'))).'</strong> '.$newPrice[0]->data().'</span> '; } if( isset($usedPrice[0]) && ($params->get('showPrices')=='yes')){ $output .= '<span class="amazon_oldprice"><strong>'. stripslashes(trim($params->get('labelUsedPrice'))).'</strong> '.$usedPrice[0]->data().'</span>'; }

just surround these with the /* */ symbols:-
/* if( isset($newPrice[0]) && ($params->get('showPrices')=='yes')){ $output .= '<span class="amazon_newprice"><strong>'.stripslashes(trim($params->get('labelNewPrice'))).'</strong> '.$newPrice[0]->data().'</span> '; } if( isset($usedPrice[0]) && ($params->get('showPrices')=='yes')){ $output .= '<span class="amazon_oldprice"><strong>'. stripslashes(trim($params->get('labelUsedPrice'))).'</strong> '.$usedPrice[0]->data().'</span>'; } */
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Last Edited On: 07-08-2010 08:56:56 By boggler for the Reason
susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:More options for AmazonWS?.. 11-08-2010 01:39:06 
Joined: 06-08-2010 21:51:26
Posts: 4
Thanks - this does help
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 Subject :Re:More options for AmazonWS?.. 17-08-2010 12:56:19 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
We have added the feature you requested to the latest release of the plugin 2.1.0.

It is also now compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 1.6.

You should be able to download the new version using your original download id.
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susan subway boggler
 Subject :Re:More options for AmazonWS?.. 17-08-2010 23:19:29 
Joined: 17-08-2010 21:59:23
Posts: 1

Is there any possibility of getting this working with K2 ??
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 Subject :Re:More options for AmazonWS?.. 18-08-2010 09:21:29 
Spiral Scripts Support
Joined: 18-08-2009 10:14:13
Posts: 211
It will work with K2 if you use the plugin embedding code - and with any component that can trigger content plugins.

See the documentation for an explanation of the embedding code:

What it can't do with K2 is to use the feature that allows you to automatically assign the plugin to a section or category and use the article metatags to do a product search. That is a feature we will probably add in future releases, it is fairly simple to add.
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susan subway boggler
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