Now compatible with Joomla 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7
It is called 'Swift Gallery' for a reason - it is an ultra-fast way to create a really stylish looking Flash image gallery from any folder containing images.
You just upload your images to a folder of your choice. Then create a new menu item, and set the folder path as a parameter. The component can create captions automatically, using either Exif metadata, or the image filename.
The component also includes a content plugin, allowing you to embed galleries directly into your article content.
You can have as many galleries as you want. You can set your choice of background and text colour, as well as the thumbnail size, and the orientation (vertical or horizontal) for the gallery. There are also currently two sizes available: 550x400px, and 700x600px.
You can also choose between a variety of gradient backgrounds - and the gradient colours are fully customizable. There are also a variety of image transitions available, including: fade, rotate, photo flash, zoom, squeeze, random and none.
The component dynamically generates image thumbnails and resizes your images to fit into the gallery. Your images can be located in a folder outside your public_html folder, allowing you to protect your images from unauthorized download.