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Find Us Elsewhere is a worldwide leader in payment services

How To Order Our Products - The Payment System

To download one of our products you will need to go through the checkout process.


Free Products

If you are ordering free items only simply confirm your order. You will not be charged and you will be able to begin your download immediately.

Commercial Products

Paying in GB Pounds (Sterling)

If you are ordering commercial products you can pay using Paypal, or by credit card through our internet gateway securely hosted by Barclaycard.

You can also pay securely by credit card through Paypal, without opening a Paypal account - just choose 'Paypal' as a payment option look for the link on the Paypal payment page - see here for further information.

Paying in Other Currencies

Payments in other currencies are through Paypal, so please select this option..

You will be able to pay by credit card if you do not have a Paypal account, you will not need to open a Paypal account to do so - see here for further information.

If this does not help, please contact us through this site, we can often arrange a suitable payment method.


Payment Problems

Payment problems usually arise when the billing name and address that you give us do not match the billing name and address on your credit card or Paypal account. If you are having problems please check the billing information. To do this, make sure that you are logged into your account then go to billing information . You can also find this by clicking on the account maintenance link, and clicking on account information.

If you are using someone else's card (with their permssion of course!), please make sure that the billing information matches their details. You will be able to set up a separate shipping name and address during the checkout process, which you can use to give your own details.


If this does not help, please contact us through this site, we can often arrange a suitable payment method.